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AutorenbildMako Muzenda

Investing in the SDGs

One of the outcomes of the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement was the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 17 SDGs were envisioned as a roadmap adopted by the United Nations to create a better future for all by 2030, by which point poverty is significantly reduced, clean water flows freely, and innovation thrives alongside a healthy planet. 2023 marked the halfway point of the timeline for the SDGs. It’s a grim milestone: a report by the World Economic Forum and the Food and Agricultural Organisation show that overall progress on the Goals has stalled and, in some cases, regressed. Countries have collectively failed to reach targets in areas including poverty reduction, preservation of the environment and strengthening global institutions.  

How does the world get back on track? The United Nations General Assembly adopted a declaration to accelerate implementation of the SDGs at the 2023 SDGs Summit. According to its website, the Summit itself was meant to be a “new phase of accelerated progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals with high-level political guidance on transformative and accelerated actions leading up to 2030.” The United Nations also launched the SDG Stimulus in 2023. The Stimulus is a plan to help developing countries with their implementation of the SDGs and calls for richer countries to provide at least $500 billion per year to developing countries. This money would be used to invest in areas like renewable energy, healthcare, and education. 

The Stimulus is part of a wider effort to revitalise momentum behind the SDGs through financial investment. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres urged countries to invest in the SDGs “like never before.” The European Union invests in the Goals through its different organs: the European Investment Bank provides funding for projects that support sustainable infrastructure, renewable energy and food security. The World Bank has made several commitments towards contributing to the success of the SDGs, including targets for climate financing. 

As Ghazan Global, the Sustainable Development Goals are key guiding principles for our investment portfolio. We don’t look at the Goals as separate entities. They work together and boost each other to achieve holistic and sustainable development. However, we do focus on a handful of Goals that best align with our investment goals. Investments in Plastrans, CO2BioClean and BioLogiQ align with Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and 13 (Climate Action). Our investments in Ripple, Uphold and Linqto fall under Goals 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and 10 (Reduced Inequalities). All fall under Goal 17 (Partnership for the Goals).

With six years to go until the 2030 deadline, the race is on to make up for the slow progress of the first half of the SDG deadline. We will continue to support the companies, platforms and groupings that are dedicated to the success of the Goals, and a healthy, equitable and sustainable future for the planet.

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